What’s new in NextJS 13.4

NextJS 13.4 is stable release, and it comes with lot of new features.

  • Server Actions
    One of the biggest new features in Next.js 13.4 is Server Actions. Server Actions allow you to handle server-side logic directly in your application. This can be used to fetch data, interact with APIs, and perform other tasks that would typically be handled on the client.
  • Draft Mode
    Draft Mode allows you to fetch and render draft content from your headless CMS. This is a great way to preview and iterate on your content before publishing it.
  • App Router
    The App Router has also been improved in Next.js 13.4. The App Router now supports React Server Components, nested routes, and streaming.
  • Turbopack
    Turbopack is a new feature in Next.js 13.4 that is a faster and more stable version of Next.js’s local dev server. Turbopack uses webpack 5 and includes a number of performance optimizations.

Those are just a few of the new features in Next.js 13.4. For more information, please visit the Next.js documentation.

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