JetBrains announces new IDE Fleet

JetBrains announces new IDE called Fleet. Its light weight editor and specially for remote development. Fleet is light weight and ready to use universal editor. Its going to support many languages and more will be added later on. JetBrains launch Fleet for early preview program, and it was available on request. But due to high volume of requests, its no more available for download. Although Fleet is not launched but already its common topic in developers community. Lot of people are talking about it. And I believe it’s a serious competitor to Visual Studio Code.

JetBrains tool intelliJ is quite popular in Java developer community. But with the new trends of development like collaborative, remote development, containers and support of multiple languages. A new IDE is required. Specially when Visual Studio Code is gained so much popularity, it capture good number of market share. JetBrains comes up with an idea of Fleet. Fleet is designed from scratch with new architecture and UI as JetBrains claim.It means its not a copy of IntelliJ. It provides auto completion, debugging, navigation, refactoring and almost all the required features which an IDE should have.

JetBrains Fleet

In the modern era of development a project consists of many languages. Feel provides one IDE to support multiple languages. Therefore you not need to open multiple IDEs for different languages. Currently Fleet is supporting Java, Kotlin, Go, Python, Rust, TypeScript, JavaScript and JSON. HTML, PHP, C# and C++ will soon be added. In my opinion at the time of final release it will support quite good number of programming languages.

Another interesting feature added in Fleet is, its support for cloud base development support. It means Fleet and your project can be configured on a virtual machine and developers can connect to it and start development immediately. Fleet also support collaborative development. Developers can share their editor, more than one developer can work on single or multiple files together, they can share debugging sessions.

In my opinion Fleet looks quite impressive IDE, and I am waiting for its final release. The only concern is that will it be free like Visual Studio Code?

To know more about Fleet you can view the below video uploaded by JetBrains.

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