
Hi, I’m Waqas, the author of this blog. I’ve been a software engineer for over 14 years, currently working and living in Dubai. My passion for coding began in high school with those early days on an X386 machine and the BASIC language. It’s been incredible to witness the rapid evolution of the software industry over the decades.

Throughout my career, I’ve transitioned from C# to a focus on web development using ReactJS, NodeJS, Java, and Spring. Building web applications is truly my forte. I’m also deeply interested in and certified in cloud technologies and containerization (Docker and Kubernetes). I recently completed a professional AI certification from MIT, further enhancing my expertise in neural networks and generative AI.

On this blog, I’ll be sharing my insights and experiences on topics like ReactJS, NextJS, cloud computing, Docker, Kubernetes, and Java. Your feedback is always welcome as I strive to improve and provide valuable content.

Let’s connect and learn together!

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