AngularJS intellisense in Visual Studio 2012

I was working on a web project and using Visual Studio 2012 IDE for the development. Visual Studio is really amazing IDE. If you are comfortable with Visual Studio it will really make the development process fast. But once you get used to it specially its intellisense feature you will get irritated if  it doesn’t appear. And the same thing happen with me. I was using AngularJS for my client side development. And Visual studio 2012 will not give intellisense support for AngularJS.  In Visual Studio 2013 you will find AngularJS support.

Because in Visual Studio 2012 AngularJs intellisense is not there. And I am used to it. And this lack of functionality slow my development process. And I search on internet and find out the following solution. And once I implement the below steps I get the AngularJS intellisense in Visual Studio 2012.

The steps are,

  1. Locate the file “commonHTML5Types.xsd” in the visual studio directory. For me the path of this file is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\html”. For safer side take the backup of the file.
  2. Download commonHTML5Types and unzip it. Replace this file with your existing ” commonHTML5Types.xsd” file.
  3. Restart your Visual Studio 2012. And that’s it. You will find the Intellisense for all the AngularJS “ng-” attribute.

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