HTTP response codes

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the base of data communication on internet. Client sends request from browser to the server. And server sends response back to the client. Along with response, server sends response code as well. There are five types of response send by the server.

  1. 1xx – Informational response
  2. 2xx – Successful
  3. 3xx. – Redirection
  4. 4xx. – Client Error
  5. 5xx – Server Error

Like when a successful response is send back by the server the response code is 200 OK. Below are the list of main response codes sent by the server.

301Moved Permanently
304Not Modified
400Bad Request
404Not Found
422Unprocessable Entity
500Internal Server Error
505HTTP version not supported

To read further about HTTP status code you can refer Mozilla documentation.

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